
  • Weather

    Introduction to the Surface Analysis

    A surface analysis is a special type of weather map. The map provides a view of weather elements across a geographical area time based on information from ground-based weather stations and ship reports. Surface analysis maps are created by plotting or tracing the values of relevant quantities such as sea level pressure and temperature onto a geographical map to assist the location of features such as weather fronts.

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  • Pacific Surface Analysis

    Pressure Systems

    What is Wind The title of this topic might have been “What causes the wind.” Quite simply, wind is moving air. Air doesn’t seem like much, however, it has weight and it has substance, and is actually considered a fluid. This becomes apparent when air moves. While moving, you can see many of the same characteristics you might find in a river. Things like moving as a “unit,” parting and coming back together as it flows around an obstacle, and eddies or back-flows. Air moves from an area of higher pressure into an area of lower pressure. The closer together the high and low pressure is and the greater the…

  • Weather

    Marine Weather

    Knowledge of the weather is as crucial to a sailor today as at any time in the past! Advances in technology have put weather forecasting capabilities within the grasp of the average sailor. Consequently, with just a few clicks you can bring up tools drawing on the talents of the world’s most knowledgeable meteorologists. Tools unheard of 200 years ago. For example, with a Surface Analysis and a relatively small degree of knowledge, you can foresee and face conditions you find underway. Providing you with the knowledge necessary to interpret and use the vast array of resources available to you is the goal of Weather in a Modern World. Below…

  • Weather

    Global Circulation

    An Island in the sun Back to our island in the sun image. Although not apparent in the image, the rays of the sun do not directly heat the atmosphere. Instead, the sun’s rays heat the land, which in turn heats the air. It’s clear from this small-scale model the sun is the driving force behind the movement of air in this case. But, how about on a larger, global scale. Is the sun still the motivating factor? Yes! Hadley Cells The more directly the rays of the sun impact the Earth, the more energy is transferred, heating the Earth and the atmosphere above it. The sun is located more…

  • Weather

    Marine Weather Intro

    Knowledge of the weather is as crucial to today’s sailor as it was two hundred years ago. Fortunately, advances in technology have put weather forecasting capabilities within the grasp of the average sailor, who with the click of just a few buttons can bring up surface analysis maps which draw on the talents of some of the world’s most knowledgeable meteorologists. With analysis in hand, and a relatively small degree of knowledge, every sailor is better prepared to face conditions at sea. I am not a trained meteorologist. I’m simply a sailor who found a need to learn a little about the weather. A first glance at a surface analysis…